Name Bowie
Type Adopt
Hi – I’m Bowie and I want to tell you a little bit about me. Let’s start with the physical – I am all white, with a very long body, one cute floppy ear and one green eye and one blue eye. I am almost completely deaf, but make up for it with my other senses (I know when you are walking in the door before you open it!).
I like all humans, but not too crazy about other cats – that might have to do with my hearing loss because I can’t tell when they sneak up on me and it makes me nervous. I am happy just hanging out with you. I will follow you around and always be by your side (some say I am like a dog that way).
I am currently hanging with a great foster mom and have been told I am a wonderful guest. I always use the litter box, eat my food and don’t scratch the furniture.
I’d be happy just being with you…..and, if your windows look out onto trees or garden, that would be an added bonus (I can stare out the windows for hours!)I am about 3 years old, healthy, FIV/FeLV negative and would love to live forever with you!
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